McCain Farms of the Future AR
Full Official Rules (USA)
1. This Promotion is open to legal residents of the 50 states of the United States of America and the District of Columbia aged 18 or over, excluding employees, officers and directors of the Sponsor, its agents, administrators and creative entities, and anyone professionally associated with this Promotion, and anyone residing in the household of any of the foregoing (whether related or not).
2. This Promotion is void where prohibited by law.
3. No purchase necessary; however, internet access, email address and a smartphone are required.
4. Promotion Period: Enter between 09:00:00 EST on February 25 2025 and 23:59:00 EST on April 8 2025 inclusive with 6 Weekly Periods as per the table below:
Weekly Period | Start Time & Date | End Time & Date |
1 | 09:00 on 02/25/25 | 23:59 on 03/03/25 |
2 | 00:00 on 03/04/25 | 23:59 on 03/10/25 |
3 | 00:00 on 03/11/25 | 23:59 on 03/17/25 |
4 | 00:00 on 03/18/25 | 23:59 on 03/24/25 |
5 | 00:00 on 03/25/25 | 23:59 on 03/31/25 |
6 | 00:00 on 04/01/25 | 23:59 on 04/08/25 |
5. To Enter the Contest: Entrant must:
a. Using a smartphone, scan the QR code on promotional material or visit
b. Then play the McCain Farms of the Future AR Game (the “Game”) in which Entrants will be required to tap quickly on their screen. With each tap helping to grow their potatoes through a growth cycle in preparation for harvest. Entrants will then be required to chop the potatoes they harvested on their screen to make fries. The aim is to make as many fries as possible at the end of the game to receive the highest number of fry points (fries produced).
c. After each play of a Game, an entrant’s fry points (fries produced) will be displayed on both the weekly and grand prize leaderboards. An entrant can choose to publish their score on the leaderboard. Entrants will be required to click on ‘Get Prizes’ which will then take them to the login page and/or redemption portal, where they will be required to submit their full name, username and email address.
d. Once an entrant’s fry points (fries produced) and details are published on the leaderboard they will be entered into the relevant Weekly and Grand Prize draws. The points displayed on the leaderboard represents the total number of fry points (fries produced).
6. Entrants can enter and play the Game unlimited times. Scores represent an accumulation of fry points (fries produced) from each time the game is played. No person may win more than 1 Tier 1 and 1 Tier 2 Prize throughout the entire Promotion Period. Entrants can win multiple Tier 3 Prizes.
7. Winner Selection:
a. Weekly Period Prizes: All valid entries received during the relevant Weekly Period will be ranked on the leaderboard according to the highest score (the highest number of fry points/fries produced) received when playing the Game.
i. Ranks 1 – 3 – will receive a Tier 1 Prize.
ii. Ranks 4 – 25 – will receive a Tier 2 Prize.
iii. Rank 26 – 50 – will receive a Tier 3 Prize.
b. Grand Prize: The highest scoring entrant (the entrant with the highest number of fry points/fries produced) throughout the entire Promotion Period will be awarded the Grand Prize. Their weekly scores are cumulative.
c. Ties: If there is a tie between two or more entrants for any Prize, the Winner for that specific Prize will be based on the individual that submitted the winning score first.
8. The Prizes:
a. Weekly Period Prizes: Each Weekly Period, the top 50 entrants with the highest score (the highest number of fry points/fries produced) on the scoreboard will be the Winners. The Prizes will be allocated as follows:
i. Tier 1:
1. There will be a total of 3 winners. Each winner will receive 1 year of fries via physical coupons & 1 Set of 3 Limited edition McCain merchandise including 1 x McCain Bowl, 1 pair of McCain Oven Mitts & 1 x McCain Tray
ii. Tier 2: There will be a total of 22 winners. Each winner will receive 1 bag of McCain Fries via a physical coupon
iii. Tier 3: There will be a total of 25 winners. Each winner will receive 1x McCain merchandise.
b. Grand Prize: There will be 1 winner. The winner will l receive 1 x Staycation with an agricultural theme up to the value of $4,000 USD.
ARV: $30,658.
9. Further Prize Details:
a. Tier 1:
i. Physical Coupons:
1. Winners will receive 1 free year of fries, via 24 physical coupons.
2. $5.99 per coupon, total $144.
3. Expiration: June 30th, 2026
4. Products: All McCain US Potatoes & Onion Rings
5. Location: All major US Retailers
b. Tier 2:
i. Winners will receive 1 x $5.99 physical coupon.
ii. Expiration: June 30th, 2026
iii. Products: All McCain US Potatoes & Onion Rings
iv. Location: All major US Retailers
c. Tier 3:
i. Weekly Period 1: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Bucket Hat (ARV $28 USD)
ii. Weekly Period 2: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Sunglasses (ARV $24 USD)
iii. Weekly Period 3: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Socks (ARV $23 USD)
iv. Weekly Period 4: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Sweater (ARV $38 USD)
v. Weekly Period 5: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Tea Towel (ARV $18 USD)
vi. Weekly Period 6: 25 winners. Each winner will receive McCain Tote Bag (ARV $19 USD)
d. Grand Prize Details:
i. Fulfilment of the Prize will be arranged by email between the Sponsor and the winner. The Sponsor will make all reasonable efforts to provide the winner with details of the Prize at the earliest possible opportunity. The Sponsor will have final discretion on all elements and aspects of how the Prize is organised. Once the Prize details including dates, locations are confirmed, these cannot be amended or altered by the winner.
ii. The Prize must be booked by taken by May 8th, 2026 (subject to availability). At least 6 weeks’ advance notice of preferred date of stay must be given. The prize cannot be taken during the excluded dates listed below. Stays may not be booked for the following dates: Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, school holidays and Bank Holiday periods in the USA (“Excluded Dates”).
iii. The Winners and their guests will be required to sign a legal waiver and disclaimer of liability as a condition of accepting and partaking in the Prize.
iv. If the guest of a winner is below the age of 18, the guest must provide written parental or guardian consent to travel unless accompanied by a parent or guardian and the legal waiver and disclaimer of liability must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child.
v. The winners are responsible for the behaviour of themselves and their guests whilst taking the Prize. The Sponsor reserves the right in its absolute discretion to exclude a winner and/or their guest from participation in any aspect of the Prize if any party fails to comply with the directions of the Sponsor or any companies associated with the Prize or if the winner and/or their guest act in a manner that is dangerous to themselves or to the public or is, in the opinion of the Sponsor, anti-social in any manner or which causes a disturbance or nuisance to others. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in refused entry, or the ticket holders being required to leave the event/venue.
vi. The winner and their guest must abide by any relevant terms and conditions which form part of the Prize. Whilst at the event/venue, they must not: be drunk, intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, underage, be abusive, threatening, make or incite racial abuse, chant, use offensive language, make obscene gestures, throw items, behave anti-socially, carry laser pens, bring animals (except guide dogs), carry offensive weapons or illegal substances, carry candles, climb any structure, make excessive noise, offer any item for sale, damage the venue or smoke. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in refused entry, or the ticket holders being required to leave the event/venue.
vii. The winner and their guest must abide by any relevant terms and conditions set by the venues which form part of the prize. It is their responsibility to ensure that they take care when moving around the event or venue.
viii. If a booking is missed or cancelled by the winner, no alternative tickets will be issued and for the avoidance of doubt, no compensation and/or refund will be provided.
ix. Any representative of any hotel, or venue used within the travel itinerary has the right to remove or to deny entry to the winner and/or his/her/their guest who engage in a disruptive manner, be intoxicated, be a safety risk, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person at any event.
x. The Sponsor will pay the cost of the standard room plus related room taxes.
xi. A valid credit or debit card will be required to check in to your room and will be used to guarantee any incidentals such as in- room calls or services.
xii. The winner and their guest are solely responsible for any additional charges incurred at the hotel during their stay, including, without limitation, costs of meals, drinks, additional nights and services together with related taxes.
xiii. The winner and their guest must travel together in all instances, on the same dates and time, take the same trip and share the same room in all provided accommodation. The winner will forgo the Prize in totality if the winner fails to attend the scheduled booking, and the Promoter/Sponsor and any Prize providers shall have no further obligation to the winner.
xiv. The Prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the Prize as stated. The winner will be liable for all costs and expenses not stated relating to claiming the Prize.
xv. All elements of the Grand Prize package must be taken as part of the same Staycation.
xvi. It will be the winner’s and their guest’s responsibility to take out at their own cost all relevant insurance (including but not limited to health and travel insurance, insurance for theft, loss and damage to property) which may be required or prudent to be taken.
xvii. The Prize will be forfeited if:
1. The winner has not obtained all of the proper travel documents by the date specified by the Sponsor;
2. The winner has any immigration complications which prevent them from entering, leaving or travelling within the USA in the relevant period, if applicable; or
3. The winner has any medical, legal or any other reason that would prevent them from accepting and participating in the Prize.
xviii. For the avoidance of doubt, the prize shall include but not be limited to the following: accommodation, transportation, food and entertainment costs; that shall not exceed the total amount stated in section 8 b. Anything above and beyond this amount will be the sole responsibility of the winner and their guest.
10. Winner Notification: Provisional winners will be contacted via the email address provided on entry within 5 working days of Winner Selection and will be asked to provide evidence of identity and eligibility. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the provisional winners. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the provisional winners will be confirmed as a winner. If a provisional winner does not respond to the initial contact within 14 days, we reserve the right to disqualify that entrant and award the Prize to a reserve selected at random. Reserve winners may have less time to respond.
11. Prize Acceptance:
a. Weekly Period Prizes: Fulfilment of the Prizes will take place within 28 days of the end of the Promotion Period. In the unlikely event that a Prizes does not arrive within 28 days the winner must inform the Sponsor by emailing [email protected]. If a winner does not do so, the Sponsor reserves the right to not reissue the Prize or limit its value at its sole discretion.
b. Grand Prize: Notification to arrange fulfilment of the Prize will take place within 28 days of acceptance of the Prize. In the unlikely event that a winner has not received communication to arrange their Prize the winner must inform the Sponsor by emailing [email protected]. If a winner does not do so, the Sponsor reserves the right to not reissue the Prize or limit its value at its sole discretion.
12. A winners list will be made available by the Sponsor 4 weeks after the close of the Promotion Period, for a period of 8 weeks. It will be available by sending a request via email to [email protected].
13. Tax Obligations:
a. For US Winners of Contests Prizes, the fair market value of the prize amount will be reported on IRS form 1099-misc and issued to the recipient. Tax identity information will be collected by completing IRS form W-9 for all winners of prizes awarded greater than $600.
14. Failure of the Sponsor to enforce any term of these Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision and such provision shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of any conflict with any Contest details contained in these Rules and the Contest details contained in any Contests materials (including, but not limited to, point of sale, television and print advertising, or any other Contests media), the details of the Contest as set forth in these Rules shall prevail. The Sponsor reserve the right to modify any aspect of the Contest, including these Rules, at their sole discretion.
15. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: By participating in this Contest, entrants and winners agree that the Sponsor and each of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, advertising, public relations, fulfilment and marketing agencies, website providers and each their respective officers, directors, stockholders, employees, representatives, designees and agents (the “Released Parties”) are, to the extent permitted by law, not responsible for:
a. Lost, late, incomplete, stolen, misdirected, undeliverable e-mail notifications, or postal mail;
b. any computer, satellite, cable, network, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections, or availability;
c. garbled, corrupt or jumbled transmissions, service provider/Internet/website/UseNet accessibility, availability or traffic congestion;
d. any technical, mechanical, printing or typographical or other error;
e. the incorrect or inaccurate capture of registration information or the failure to capture, or loss of, any such information;
f. any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, technical error, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to the Contest;
g. any property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in connection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in contests, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of prize or participation in any contests-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other intellectual property-related cause of action;
h. any and all federal, state and local taxes;
i. entries that are late, forged, lost, misplaced, misdirected, tampered with, incomplete, deleted, damaged, or otherwise not in compliance with the Rules; and
j. for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss, punitive or loss of profits), expense or damage which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this Contest or accepting or using a prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
16. Participation in Contests and acceptance of prize constitutes each winner’s permission for Sponsor to use his/her name, address (city and state), likeness, photograph, picture, portrait, voice, biographical information, and/or any statements made by each winner regarding the Contests or Sponsor for advertising and promotional purposes without notice or additional compensation, except where prohibited by law.
18. The Sponsor seeks to run a fair and secure promotion and prevent abuse and cheating. If you enter in a way that is not consistent with these Rules, your entries (and any of your associated aliases) will be disqualified. Any Prize awarded may be void and recoverable, and the Sponsor reserves the right to bar you from entering future promotions for a period of at least six months. For this reason, the Sponsor reserves the right at any point to:
a. Verify the eligibility of entrants and/or provisional winners by requesting such information it considers reasonably necessary for this purpose. Entry or a Prize may be withheld until verification is completed.
b. Disqualify entries that are not made directly by the individual entering the Promotion.
c. Disqualify entries made using anonymous email services such as, but not limited to, GuerillaMail, Dispostable or Mailinator.
d. Disqualify bulk entries from individuals, trade, consumer groups or third parties, incomplete entries and entries submitted by macros or other automated means.
e. Disqualify entries beyond the maximum allowed, or those using techniques such as ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking identity by manipulating IP addresses, using aliases or identities other than their own or any other means.
f. Disqualify entrants who tamper with the entry process.
g. Disqualify entries which, in some other way, do not meet the requirements of these Official Rules.
h. Cancel, modify or suspend the Promotion should it not be capable of running as planned for reasons including but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, dishonesty, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion.
19. The Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for monetary value or for any other form of compensation. If for any reason a Prize or any element of a Prize is not available, the Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion to substitute that Prize or element of a Prize for another of equal or greater value.
20. The Sponsor is not responsible for any undelivered messages or e-mails, including without limitation, e-mails that are not received because of an entrant’s privacy or spam filter settings that may divert any winner notification or other Contest related e-mail to a spam or junk folder.
21. No responsibility can be taken for entries which are lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected or incomplete or which cannot be delivered for any technical, delivery or other reason. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt. The Sponsor does not guarantee continuous or secure access to the entry page.
22. By entering the Contest, each entrant agrees: (I) to be bound by these Rules, (ii) to waive any rights to claim ambiguity with respect to these Rules;(iii) to the extent permitted by law, to waive all of their rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against any of the Released Parties in connection with the Contest; and (iv) to the extent permitted by law, to forever and irrevocably agree to release and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, causes of action, proceedings, demands, fines, penalties, liability, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) that may arise in connection with: (a) the Contest, including, but not limited to, any Contest-related activity or element thereof, participation or inability to participate in the Contest;(b) the violation of any third-party privacy, personal, publicity or proprietary rights; (c) acceptance, attendance at, receipt, travel related to, participation in, delivery of, possession, defects in, use, non-use, misuse, inability to use, loss, damage, destruction, negligence or wilful misconduct in connection with the use of a prize (or any component thereof); (d) any change in the Contest or prizing (or any components thereof); (e) human error; (f) any wrongful, negligent, or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any of the Released Parties; (g) lost, late, stolen, misdirected, damaged or destroyed prizing (or any element thereof); or (h) the negligence or wilful misconduct by entrant.
23. If, for any reason, the Contest is not capable of running as planned, or the integrity and or feasibility of the Contest is severely undermined by any event beyond the control of the Sponsor, the Sponsor will not be liable for any failure to comply with their obligations or any delay in performing their obligations within these Rules if an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs caused by (but not limited to) global or regional health crises, weather conditions, fire, flood, strike, hurricane, earthquake, explosion, industrial dispute, war, terrorist activity, any federal, state, provincial or local government law, order, or regulation, order of any court or jurisdiction, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, epidemic, pandemic, famine, plague or other natural calamities and acts of God or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor (each a “Force Majeure” event or occurrence).
24. This section explains how the Sponsor processes your personal data in relation to your participation in the Game and any associated contests. It complements our Global Privacy Policy, which outlines our general data practices.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with applicable data privacy laws, including GDPR, UK GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, and other relevant regulations in the regions where the Game is available.
By using the Game, you acknowledge that you have read and understood both this Privacy Notice and our Global Privacy Policy. These documents explain your rights and how we protect your data, including information related to in-game activities, leaderboard rankings, contest participation, and prize fulfillment.
McCain is the Data Controller responsible for managing your personal data. Gravity Road acts as our Data Processor, engaging Rock Paper Reality as a Subprocessor to develop and support the Game while handling data processing. Rock Paper Reality, as the Game Developer, is responsible for the technical development, maintenance, and functionality of the Game. PromoVeritas administers contests and prize fulfilment outside the Game, managing leaderboard rankings and prize redemptions Where PromoVeritas receives and processes personal data in its role as a Data Processor, it does so on behalf of McCain.
We collect personal data you provide directly, such as your in-game username for leaderboard placement and gameplay reporting. If you choose to share your game results on social media, we may process data related to the shared content. We also collect device identifiers, such as UDID or Google Advertising ID, to track gameplay and rankings, along with gameplay data, including progress, achievements, and leaderboard placement. For contest participation, PromoVeritas manages the collection and processing of relevant personal data, username, email address, full name and postal address.
We process your personal data to enable essential Game functionality, including leaderboard rankings and progress tracking. Data is also used to analyze gameplay trends and generate reports to improve Game experience. If you choose to share your results on social media, we process data to facilitate this feature. Additionally, contest-related data is processed to support leaderboard rankings and prize fulfillment. In-game digital rewards may also be tracked to enhance user engagement.
We process personal data based on consent, contractual necessity, and legitimate interests. Consent applies to optional features like social sharing, referral tracking, and marketing, which you can withdraw at any time. Contractual necessity applies to data processing essential for core Game features. Legitimate interests include improving the Game, monitoring performance, and preventing fraud.
Your personal data may be shared with the Game developer for technical development and support of the Game. PromoVeritas, acting as Processor, manages contest administration and prize fulfillment outside the Game. If you choose to share your results on social media, relevant data will be shared with the selected platform. We may also disclose personal data when required by law or to enforce our terms and policies.
Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have rights regarding your personal data as a player of the Game, including the right to access, correct, or delete it. You may also request restrictions on processing, object to data processing based on legitimate interests, withdraw consent for optional features or marketing, and request data portability.
We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to operate the Game, fulfill contest obligations, or until you have an active account. We may also retain data if required by law or for legitimate business interests, such as enforcing our terms or preventing fraud. For example, information may need to be kept preventing a user who was banned for security incidents from opening a new account. If you request deletion, we will comply unless legal requirements require retention.
Your personal data may be transferred and processed in countries outside your residence, including the United States and other jurisdictions. Where applicable, we rely on adequacy decisions or implement legally recognized safeguards, such as Standard Contractual Clauses along with the UK Addendum where applicable.
Technical and organizational measures are in place to safeguard personal data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse.
The Game may contain links to third-party websites, which are not under our control. We are not responsible for their privacy practices, so we recommend reviewing their privacy policies before sharing any personal information
The Game may use cookies or similar technologies to ensure proper functionality, analyze user behavior, and track referrals for in-game rewards. You can manage cookie preferences through your device or browser settings. For more details on how cookies are used, please refer to our Cookie Policy at
For privacy-related inquiries or to exercise your rights, contact us at [email protected]
If you’re not satisfied with our response, you can file a complaint with your local data protection authority. For more details, visit:
25. If any part/s of these Official Rules are legally ruled to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
26. By entering, you will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Official Rules.
27. If there is a discrepancy between these Official Rules and those in any promotional material, these Official Rules will prevail.
28. Disputes; Governing Law. The parties waive all rights to trial in any action or proceeding instituted in connection with these Official Rules, including, without limitation, the Contests. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Official Rules and/or the Contests shall be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any such controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. The arbitration shall be conducted in the state of Illinois.
29. THESE OFFICIAL RULES AND THE INTERPRETATION OF ITS TERMS SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS WITHOUT REGARD TO ITS CONFLICTS OF LAWS RULES. For any matters which are not subject to arbitration as set forth in these Official Rules and/or in connection with the entering of any judgement on an arbitration award in connection with these Official Rules and/or the Contest, the parties irrevocably submit and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in in the State of Illinois. The parties agree not to raise the defense of forum non conveniens.
Sponsor: McCain Foods Limited, 8800 Main Street, Florenceville-Bristol, New Brunswick, E7L 1B2